Latest Past Events

Pippa Reid-Foster Live@CBH

Cove Burgh Hall Shore Road, Cove

Pippa will be performing a programme of contemporary music on pedal and lever harp. She will be sharing some of her own compositions alongside a selection of music by some of the most influential composers that inspire Pippa as a performer and composer: Philip Glass, Ludovico Einaudi and Max Richter, amongst others. 8pm (doors open …


A’ Chlàrsach aig a’ Mhòd / The Clàrsach at the Mòd

Bithidh com-pàirteach air-loidhne a’ comharrachadh 90 bliadhna de chàirdeas eadar Comann na Clàrsaich agus am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail. Le taic bho chuid den luchd-gnìomhaidh as grinne ann an Alba, bidh Joy Dunlop bhon BhBC gar toirt bho na 1930an chun an latha an-diugh, a’ taisbeanadh chluicheadairean bho ghinealach ùr de chlàrsairean òga tàlantach.Experience our online …


Rachel Hair @ Edinburgh Branch


The Edinburgh Branch is delighted to welcome Rachel Hair as tutor for our Zoom session. The session will begin at 2pm and finish at 4pm, with a break in the middle for coffee.The fee will be £6 and is open to all.Email for further information
