Latest Past Events

Glasgow Branch Ben Creighton Griffiths Workshop

Workshop Details Arrival online/in person: 1.45pm First workshop: 2-3pm Second workshop 3.30-4.30pm Play through/sharing: 4.30pm CostsMEMBERSWorkshop: £10 in person, £5 online MEMBERS IN FULL TIME EDUCATION Workshop: £8 in person, £3 online NON MEMBERS£15 in person, £10 online Booking-

Glasgow Branch – November Workshop

Nuffield Health Milngavie

Tutor, Ailie Robertson plans to spend some time working on technique with us and how we can develop a practise regime for working on these aspects. She will also teach us a tune. Remember to let us know if you wish to attend to help us estimate our half time refreshments or require a zoom …