Edinburgh Branch Come and Try Session

Bridge of Allan Parish Church Hall, 12 Keir Street, Bridge of Allan.

After a very successful Come and Try Session at Craiglockhart in the autumn this time we are moving out of Edinburgh and holding one at Bridge of Allan Parish Church …

Na Clarsairean Performance at Edinburgh International Harp Festival 

George Watson's College Colinton Road, Edinburgh

Na Clarsairean will take part in the afternoon concert on Tuesday 11 April, performing a new Suite, Changing Seasons. Starting with Anne Macdearmid’s arrangement of Vivaldi’s much-loved Winter we will move through the year …

£8 – £15

Edinburgh Branch Workshop

Craiglockhart Church Hall Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

One-off workshop with Ellie Heatherington Craiglockhart Parish Church Hall


Edinburgh Branch Beginners Classes

Once again this year, the branch is running a series of follow on classes for both adults and children who attended the beginners course at EIHF. These sessions will be …

Edinburgh Branch Meeting

Craigmiller Park Church 2c Craigmiller Park EH16 5PG

Join a relaxed meeting of the Edinburgh Branch and Sunita Stanelow's harp group from USA on their visit to Scotland.


Edinburgh Branch Workshop

Craiglockhart Church Hall Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

One-off workshop with Fiona Rutherford


Edinburgh Branch-Autumn Events

Our new session starts with the  Young Performers Concert at the Columcille Centre, 2 Newbattle Terrace, EH10 4RT, at 7pm on Wednesday 23rd August. This is always an excellent evening …