Edinburgh Branch Come and Try Session

Bridge of Allan Parish Church Hall, 12 Keir Street, Bridge of Allan.

After a very successful Come and Try Session at Craiglockhart in the autumn this time we are moving out of Edinburgh and holding one at Bridge of Allan Parish Church …

Na Clarsairean Performance at Edinburgh International Harp Festival 

George Watson's College Colinton Road, Edinburgh

Na Clarsairean will take part in the afternoon concert on Tuesday 11 April, performing a new Suite, Changing Seasons. Starting with Anne Macdearmid’s arrangement of Vivaldi’s much-loved Winter we will move through the year …

£8 – £15

Edinburgh Branch Workshop

Craiglockhart Church Hall Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

One-off workshop with Ellie Heatherington Craiglockhart Parish Church Hall


Edinburgh Branch Beginners Classes

Once again this year, the branch is running a series of follow on classes for both adults and children who attended the beginners course at EIHF. These sessions will be …

Edinburgh Branch Meeting

Craigmiller Park Church 2c Craigmiller Park EH16 5PG

Join a relaxed meeting of the Edinburgh Branch and Sunita Stanelow's harp group from USA on their visit to Scotland.
