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A’ Chlàrsach aig a’ Mhòd / The Clàrsach at the Mòd
13 October 2021 @ 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm
Bithidh com-pàirteach air-loidhne a’ comharrachadh 90 bliadhna de chàirdeas eadar Comann na Clàrsaich agus am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail. Le taic bho chuid den luchd-gnìomhaidh as grinne ann an Alba, bidh Joy Dunlop bhon BhBC gar toirt bho na 1930an chun an latha an-diugh, a’ taisbeanadh chluicheadairean bho ghinealach ùr de chlàrsairean òga tàlantach.
Experience our online celebration of 90 years of friendship between The Clàrsach Society and the Royal National Mòd. Accompanied by some of Scotland’s finest performers, the BBC’s Joy Dunlop takes us from the 1930s to the present day, showcasing players from a new generation of talented, young clàrsairean.
Tickets from https://myplayer.uk/mod
Running time: 1.5 hours approx. Performance will be available for ticket holders to view after broadcast.