Northumbrian Branch Rport 2022-23
Our year started off at Bamburgh with the joint meeting with the Edinburgh Branch. 25 members attended and we had a very enjoyable day.
Our monthly Saturday morning meetings continue to be well attended and are attracting new members. We have two other monthly meetings when we learn new music and rehearse for performances.
Our December meeting is always popular. 22 members attended last Christmas and we had a happy morning playing Christmas music and enjoying coffee and mince pies!
We have had two courses this year. Savourna Stevenson visited us in October, followed by Rachel Hair in June. Two very different courses which were very much appreciated.
Harps Northumbria have been out and about playing throughout Northumberland. We joined forces with the Bridge Singers on March 1st to present a selection of music from Wales.
Playing at Felton for the Felton Music Festival is now a regular event. A lady from Exmouth told us we were the best thing she’d ever heard!!
I would like to thank all of the committee for their hard work this year. We have lots to look forward to in the coming year.
Margaret Thompson, Convenor